Thursday, December 1, 2016

Questions Can be Beacons in the Fog

The path is shrouded in beauty, the way
mysterious, fitting for a time as this. Lean
in. Expand. How shall we be this day? What
percolates in bellies and hearts across the
globe?  The mind has had its day.  Today

belongs to dreamers, artists, poets. Tomorrow
calls forth the intuitive. Obscurity wants light
carriers, beacons in the fog. Who is trustworthy,
what kind of community do we desire? Enough
questions.  I walk to the woods. Drape my body

length-wise over fallen trunk. Moss below me;
sky above. Pull up my knees, prayer form in
reverse. Chest opened wide for breath, arms
dropped limply down sides, shoulders brushing
rough bark. Fingers trail down, finding rest on leaf-

coated earth. Heart opening pose. More real
than yoga bolster, this old log. Sunlight squints
vision. Tree tops dance with clouds. Oak roots
murmur and wind whispers secretly through
boughs. Tree roots communicate: 

Grandmother to mother to daughter to grand-daughter...

an unseen network of tendrils and
fungus. Branching as deep and wide below
as seen above.  I feel the vibrant community.
Know this is as real as trolls on facebook, the
bleeding hearts, cynics, mockers, idealists  

commenting on news feeds. All the yelling, all
the silence, both equally felt. What is real?  
What are the nerves and sinew, the communication
lines, the heartbeats of this brave, new
world?  These woods open my heart. And, across

the way in woods higher than the log on which
I muse, lives another. Over there, the woods are a
fortress. The trees guard private property. Is the
heart over there closed? Everything belongs - 
so beautiful in theory; challenging in reality.

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