This past Sunday, after
seeing all the new memes pop up over and over on Facebook, the quick fixes, the
escape routes – so many have no idea how to honor emotions, how to hold chaos
and stillness, truth in every
perspective, and paradox, in themselves or in others – I simply could not bear perpetuating
my own status quo.
So I went to a church service
outside my ethnic group, outside my faith tradition.
Despite my discomfort at not
knowing what was coming next in the service, of being white in a sea of color,
of not-so-great singing, and faith language that doesn’t resonate, I
experienced something deep and authentic.
My mind struggled to label, but my heart knew immediately: love.
The people, the pastor, the
gathered body simply radiated love and welcome.
Not so much through spoken language, as
in body language. The whole service was simple, the humans were humble, fearful, faithful, hopeful, prayerful,
tearful, joyful – everything thoroughly infused with love. No evidence of
cliques, of who’s in and out, who’s powerful and not, just a genuine spirit of because
you are here, you are one of us.
Holy ground.
A balm to my weary soul!
As wonderful as the full moon, the earth under my feet, the birds, the rocks and trees....
How blessed is that!? What God wants for all of humanity!