Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Not Just Another Dentist Story

Does anyone not cringe at this photo?

Yes, this is a dentist story. 

I broke a tooth. I had no choice but to call the dentist. Ugh, and I already have an appointment scheduled for next week, so I’ll be seeing the dentist twice in 7 days. Be still my nervous system!

In driving 35 minutes to the dentist (make that 50 minutes since I followed 3 tractors with hay rigs), I managed to work myself into a full gut-rolling, sweaty-palmed, pocketbook-squeezing panic.  Oh the drill, the dental pick, the cost!!  The broken one is my ‘sinus tooth,’ the left rear molar. In which my sinus nerve dizzily loops down to dance with the roots of said tooth. 

Image result for cartoon lightning strikesA hygienist once hit that sinus nerve with one of her pointy picks and hew-boy! I felt stars that morphed into networks of tiny lightning strikes.

So, now I’m in the dreaded chair. Hygienist marvels at the perfect half-moon sliver of missing tooth. She speaks of crowns and caps and removing whole fillings. The rest of my body begins sweating.  She finishes her assessment and ushers in the chief.  

Dentist:  “Wow, I’ve never seen such a perfect tiny sliver of missing tooth!” (I sense a conspiracy)  After a minute of shining lights and poking, she says, “Ah, I can easily fix this. It won’t take but a minute.” (I relaxed just a smidgen, trying not to look as doctor and hygienist put on full body armor and adjust their eyeball-burning head lamps)

Dentist, hesitates as she holds drill mid-air above my head:  “Did you want numbed?”

My brain is trying to read her mind, trying to be grown up, trying to not look petrified. (Yes! Please, knock me out completely. I don’t want to hear, smell, feel or see anything!) I never utter a sound but, I blink one time too many. She reassures me.

Dentist: “It will only be a few seconds. The numbing will be far worse than the drilling.”   

Me: (Still not uttering a sound. Wide eyed though.) The dentist takes off her mask, her headlight, the magnifying scope thingy protruding like an eyeball on a stick between her two beautifully set eyes. She puts one hand on my shoulder and looks right into my eyes. (Probably seeing sweat in there) 

She sees me. And, she lets me see her;  her real self behind the mask. She spreads a table of our shared humanity and invites me to dinner.  

“I promise I will not torture you.”  I look from her very pregnant swollen belly to her kind eyes. Would a pregnant, due-on-Friday female dentist (I overheard talk of her having contractions), lie to me just to get me over myself and get herself home faster? I smile then, showing my trust in her.  

“Okay, go ahead.” (I’ll scream if you hurt me though.) Oh wait. I said that last part out loud.

We both laugh as she repositions her body armor and gets to work. For the first time in my life, since going to a horse doctor of a dentist in my childhood, a tooth is being drilled and I can feel everything.  (I even had teeth extracted as a kid with very little numbing. Was told, ‘It’ll be over before you know it.” It wasn’t. And what kid doesn’t relive trauma over again in nightmares?) 

Decades later, another dentist actually made fun of me for saying I could feel his drilling after he gave me Novocain. His words had ‘big baby’ in them even if he didn’t say them out loud.

Back to the present – as the aroma of metal fills the air, the sound of buzzing too, along with sensations of gagging despite multiple sucky contraptions decorating my lower jaw, pressure, weird hot and cold sensations in my tooth, music playing, people talking in the cubicles to the right and left, smells of close bodies and reminders to myself to 

I manage to cope reasonably well. Dental work is sensory overload for me. Overload usually combined with pain and distrust. I tell myself this dentist must feel air from my nose moving on her gloved hand or she might stop like the dentist before did, and grill me.

“Are you okay?”

“Are you sure?” 

“You have to breathe, so I can continue. No one faints in my office.”

Said more gently than the Not More Novocain Dentist, but with a smile that still didn't reach the heart.

Now, every cell in both of my lungs wants to retain air, but I breathe out. In and out, in and out. Then, just like that, it’s over. This dentist told the truth. It truly was less than a minute of drilling!

Afterward, we chat about babies, giving birth, weather and coffee flavors; about everything but dentistry. I'm delighted in her treating me like a friend, a human being worthy of dignity. Not a ‘tiny mouth that is so inconvenient for me to work in” or ‘oh gawd, not another person with a dentist phobia.’ She is not in a hurry to get home. In fact, she plops on a nearby chair and tells me she’s having contractions. Maybe this is her lucky day. (She’s about to work harder than she’s ever worked but it’s her lucky day.

I left with an astounding thought - I just might love my new dentist! 
                                                    ~ ~ ~ 

My farmer making a mowed hay mandala!   I thought of this in the dentist chair - a lovely distraction. 

Friday, September 15, 2017

This Restless Season


So much happening in the world. Isn't it tempting to just be absent, buy pumpkins and mums and shut out all the rest?  Climate change, storms, racial tensions, another world war threatening, suffering, abuse...the list goes on. This week, I counted 6 mentions of horrific child abuse in my Facebook feed alone- half of them not in a far away place, but local. So often I question what is happening to humankind! Equally often, I marvel over the helpers and heroes that work for peace and justice, spread love, expend huge amounts of energy to rebuild after natural disasters, plant trees, monitor wildlife, study climate, assist the ill and poor. 

Our church recently hosted a retreat/workshop on racism. Amid the many sobering statics and historical events of our country, I found this hope: Despite many news stories of violence and injustice, most of us feel safe enough to go outside our homes every day. This means there are more humans who are decent and kind than destructive or violent. Something to celebrate and foster in areas where this hope is not evident.

Whatever this season brings, Autumn always invites me to stay calm and open even as I resist shorter, colder days. Like the chipmunks readying their tunnels underground, I too am deepening, preparing for holing up, hibernating a little during winter. 

September is always a mixed bag for me: beautiful blue skies with white fluffy clouds, clear days, my birthday, the anniversary of my father's death, and memories of 9-ll. I love autumn, and I resist it. I mourn summer's passing, am melancholy with sad memories, while loving and celebrating life. The older one gets, the more one holds contrasts.  

Perhaps it's just me, but this year, it seemed like the eclipse stole the sun faster. The days seemed to shrink quickly after the sun hid behind the moon.

Watching the trees and wildlife on our farm helps me embrace this restless season.

This Restless Season

Autumn breezes tickle the senses.
Geese fly with beating wings, a country
rap in rhythm with pings of acorns, hickory
nuts falling on tin roofs covering tractor

sheds all over Appalachia. Hints of color
and vibrancy soften the end of summer. Short
days bring a thousand small deaths. Yet,
chestnuts in high trees, swell

with prickly glory. Waiting for some secret
signal to drop to the ground with bullying thud,  
camouflaged between twig and fallen leaf,
awaiting the bare feet of those

resisting this restless season, still clinging to
memories of warm grass and popsicles. The apple-
cinnamon coats of deer, frolicking in sun-lit meadows
give way to shades of serious brown.                                                               

Dull, like rotting leaves and discarded
walnut husks.  In Autumn, fawns still romp, but the
herds are edgy, gorging on acorns, rutting, ruining
shrubs with thrashing antlers, boxing

away rivals with delicate hooves.  Then,
even velvet itches; longing fills mammalian souls.
Seasons come, seasons go. Hurricanes blow, floods
rise, as does hope and despair. Tides roll out.

Moons ripen and disappear. The religious
spout platitudes in the face of trauma; atheists
shake their heads, their fists. Lovers simply
roll up their sleeves, bring shovels

and clean water, offer up hearts full of compassion.
How easy, resisting, hardening through
the seasons, with faith or without. Autumn invites
vulnerability, openness. Yes, store up,

prepare; then share, let go. Embrace many small
deaths – humanity’s only way of changing seasonal
coats. Whatever comes, whatever color of skin or
pelt, deep within hearts beat the same.