Tuesday, October 11, 2011


My spirit sings this morning through images. As I cut and paste chickadees chirp, hop above me like tiny cheerleaders. A squirrel scolds. I nod to the bushy-tailed creature. "Sorry. Perhaps today I'm your invitation to deal with irritation."

The smell of incense colors the air. I've reverently pinned my pettiness and ungratefulness onto the sweet stick before lighting the match. Smoke, and my foibles rise up, curl, dissipate.  I smile. Yet, this little ceremony of naming and honoring what needs releasing in me brings contentment and a whispered good bye.  Adios. Adieu. Slainte!

I cherish time for myself, where my soul deepens, my inner senses sharpen. Where I see myself as I am, both my light and my shadow. I name, welcome, integrate each part of myself. Let go when I can.  Radically accept what I can't. Ask for grace.

Images speak softly. Beauty. Mystery. Creativity. Stillness. Reverence. Humor. Fun. Fear. Strength. Desire. Solitude. Innocence. New beginnings. Old egoic patterns. Joy.

Yes to all that is life!


"Everything belongs" Richard Rohr

"People are like stained glass windows: They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light within."  Elisabeth Kübler-Ross